At the Powersmith, beginning and experienced lifters forge their strongest selves. Through personal training in Austin, a small group of dedicated trainees have the opportunity to learn and grow with a 40-year powerlifting veteran and NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Coach Smith works with trainees in any stage of development, from newbies to competitive lifters. Take a look at the training and program descriptions, or check out the locker room for a little advice. And if you want to know more about Coach Smith, just step into the coach’s office.
Let’s see how strong you can get.
Got a list of well-considered goals? Have you been training, but haven't been getting the support you need? A customized program may be just what you need.
Weight training is exercise. Powerlifting is a sport: decades of experience and knowledge are what enable us to lift extraordinary amounts of weight. A beginning gymnast has to learn flexibility. A runner learns endurance. If you want to learn how to build your strongest self, start here — build your strength from a strong foundation.
I offer two programs to those with a solid foundation: a program that goes deeply into each lift, and another for developing the major muscle groups. Both offer more in-depth knowledge of the sport and individual development, creating a bridge between beginning and more advanced training.
Ready to go for it? If competition is your goal, I’ve got plenty of advice to share! I competed in the sport for years, and I’m really excited to share what I’ve learned with the next generation.

Coach Smith has been an active advocate for the sport of powerlifting for almost 40 years. After training hard for more than a decade, he began competing, and placed first in a dozen meets during that time. Soon after, he opened his own gym to focus on serious strength training, offering an old-school experience to Austin's powerlifting community. Eventually, he sold Big Tex, which is still in operation today.
Now, Coach Smith is offering his decades of experience to a new generation of young powerlifters — guys that want to forge their strongest selves. There aren't many places where you can get this kind of expertise and real-world experience, focused on just one lifter — you. Coach Smith is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), dedicated to safe, conscientious training.
If you want to forge your own strength — not just today, but for a lifetime — learn more about the training programs, or learn more about Coach Smith's experience and approach.
Let's forge your strongest self.